Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Health Information Technology: The Lighter Side

A couple of Web sites lampooning the current HIT landscape, well worth checking out:

http://extormity.com/ is home to the world's most amazing EHR prouct. From the site: "At the confluence of extortion and conformity lies Extormity, the electronic health records mega-corporation dedicated to offering highly proprietary, difficult to customize and prohibitively expensive healthcare IT solutions. "

The other site is SEEDIE, "the Society for Exorbitantly Expensive and Difficult to Implement EHR’s, a healthcare IT standards organization that is completely funded and operated by a select group of proprietary electronic health record vendors."

Enjoy :)
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My employer is compensated through funding to provide analytical research, technology solutions, and Web-based public and private health care performance reports by the State of New York, the State of Illinois, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, the Commonwealth Fund and Bridges to Excellence. I am not being compensated by any of these organisations to create articles for or make edits to this Web site or any other medium; and all posts authored by me are as an individual and do not represent my employer or the agencies I work for.